Live with intention.


Let’s Talk Energy

Everything is energy, even words and thoughts.  Take a moment and think about this.  Notice the way you talk to yourself, the energy that you feel when you believe certain limiting beliefs or assumptions. When you say “I can’t do …” It feels draining, doesn’t it?  Now notice how it feels when you make a shift and instead believe in yourself and your abilities. When you say “I am doing…” It feels energizing, right?  Every word you speak and thought you have carries with it energy.  It is up to you to choose what kind of energy you put out.  

Every thought matters. Every intention is a thought. All of this is energy.

When you are living a life with ease, peace, harmony and joy, you are living with intention. Your values and goals align. By living intentionally, you are able to feel more energy, be more aware and be open to experience joy. Easier said than done!  

Many people experience a disconnect between values and intentions.  They may often feel unfulfilled in high paying jobs because they are reaching toward a goal that is not in alignment with their values.  Maybe it is a promotion or a higher salary or just the thrill of competition.  

There are a couple of things off here.  First, in this scenario the person is chasing a goal rather than living an intention.  Secondly, there is a disconnect with the values. This leaves people realizing after years of the rat race that they do not value money as a high priority but rather family or independence or something else fills that space.  A values assessment can be an effective tool to help in this self-discovery phase.

Take an Inventory.

Know where you are.  You need to understand your values and intentions.  What are your priorities?  What would help you feel more fulfilled?  What difference do you want to make in your life and others around you?   

Create Awareness Around Meaningless Activities.

Think of the activities that you do on autopilot.  You know, the ones that just suck your time without you realizing.  Let go of the things that zap time from you.

  • Email

  • Binge Watching Your Favorite Show

  • Social Media

  • Any of the autopilot thinking/activities you do—you know what they are.

Set Intentions 

Now that you have a clear idea of what you want and what you value in life, you can set strong intention. An intention is something from your core. It is heart-centered. If you had all of the time and money in the world, what is it you would really want to do? Who would you want to be with? Think of your values (family, freedom, financial success, social justice, personal growth, the list goes on).  Let’s say you value family.  Write your intention down.  Think of the “what” not the “how”. What is important to me? What do I feel drawn to?

  • “My intention is to spend quality time with my family.”

  • “My intention is to create help others around me.”

  • “My intention is to live my life with meaning and purpose.”

  • “My intention is to create a world that is loving, just and free.”

Set Goals

Now get specific. Maybe your intention is to spend more quality time with the family.  What does that look like?  Does that mean taking the kids to the park on the weekend?  Does that mean planning a date night with your partner?  Where do you see your life in 6 months, 1 year, 3 years and 10 years?  Dream big.  Dream BIGGER!

You are figuring out your life purpose and moving toward it. That’s great!

Your Success Plan

To create the success you desire, think about what you may need and who in your life can help you.

  • What resources do you need? (money, learning, support)

  • What are your strengths? How can you continue to build on them?

  • Who is in your tribe (your network) that can help you? (friends, family, co-workers)

  • What do you need to work through or overcome? (limiting beliefs or assumptions)

Rinse, Wash, Repeat

The magic from intentions comes from saying them over and over. Repetition washes away the old habit and plants a new one. It helps to rewire your brain in a very positive way.  It helps you move toward the life you desire and attain all you dream.  Letting others know also has a positive effect, it connects us more to the intention and creates more need for accountability. So if you told a friend “My intention is to create a world that is loving, just and free” and you did nothing toward it and the next time you saw her, she said so how are you doing on that intention? The likelihood of you showing up the next time having done something is much better because you feel the need to be accountable.

Start making new routines. Maybe this includes a practice of gratitude or some mindfulness. Maybe it includes a physical practice like yoga or walking to clear your mind and renew your energy. Whatever it is, begin the routines and try your best to keep them. The more you do them, the better you will become at them.

  • Find an accountability partner

  • Tell them your intention

  • Ask for help

  • Be patient. Moving toward a life of purpose and passion takes time, effort and hard work. With persistence and patience, you will get there. Remember, baby steps!

I use intentions daily.  When I wake up every morning, I say an intention.  “I intend today to be filled with joy and productivity”. I always wake up smiling and then get busy doing one of my many tasks.  So right away my intention is fulfilled. 

If you are interested in intentional living and a values assessment, let’s have a complimentary session.  


Thank you for reading this.  I hope you found this useful.  




Chellie Grossman